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Ozonators for our doctors are already in place!

Now is such a time that absolutely everyone, without exception, is working to the maximum of their capabilities, this applies to the military, and business, activists, and doctors, everyone is trying to do everything possible to hold on with all their might as soon as possible and bring our victory closer. The task is really serious, because our existence as a nation is at stake, it is about our future and the future of our country. We know how difficult it is for our doctors to work in these conditions, in addition to constant power outages, there are also failures in the supply of medical drugs, and in some places there is a lack of necessary equipment.

The team of the NGO "GloBee International", with the support of the International Health Association, handed over to the Communal non-profit enterprise "Malynyv Primary Health Care Outpatient Clinic" of the Malynyv Village Council, Chuguyiv District, Kharkiv Region:

  • — Ozonators - 5 units
  • — Syringes;
  • — Pampers, etc. help.

As always, we thank our partner charity organization Space-Eye for their constant help and participation in our humanitarian missions. Together to victory!


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